Repairing Leaf Springs

 In Brakes, Wheels, Suspension And Steering, MGA-MGB, Midget

The main thing to check for if contemplating repairing leaf springs is around the end of each leaf. Have a good look at the leaf above to see if it has been worn by the end of the leaf below it. If it has, then the spring has a weak point and is toast, so a new spring must be fitted.

Paul Walbran Motors

If left unattended the narrowed leaf will eventually break there, transferring the problem to the next leaf. In time it will break too. And so on until the main (and last) leaf breaks. then the car falls to the ground.

Unusual, but it does happen, and an unattached spring is not a pretty thought!

Paul Walbran Motors

This photo of one of the springs which failed completely as described above. Note how the breaks in the last 2 leaves look relatively fresh. With the stress concentrated there after the first leaf broke, it cascaded upwards quite quickly. Scary ๐Ÿ™

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